Blue Forge Fire, a World of Warcraft horde guild on the Bloodhoof realm, is seeking additional members and has created a recruitment video for your consideration:
(Alternate location: Google video)
Blue Forge Fire, a World of Warcraft horde guild on the Bloodhoof realm, is seeking additional members and has created a recruitment video for your consideration:
(Alternate location: Google video)
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I have a little rule;
What happends on teh intrawebz, stays on teh intrawebz.
We adults should neeever talk that way IRL.
A smoking jacket and pipe is required to lol irl.
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Eradon: Aww, but that’s what makes it so funny! 😀
I didn’t say it wasn’t funny, I’m just saying, if I asked the lads down at the pub if the got any FAT LEWT AND EPIXX last night… Well, they would kill me.
That’s me!
I made a few more videos. One is on youtube, the others are still in editing 🙂
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