All you naysayers out there, prepare to say aye and turn over your credit card: Vanguard: Saga O’ Heroes, in unison with Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE), announced details of the preorder program and the Collector’s & Guild Edition. We, the players, are free to choose our own destiny! Seriously, that’s true — says so right in the press release. Summarized — Regular edition $49.99, includes one month of play and the C & G Edition $89.99, includes THREE months of play, some real life stuff that would only appeal to nerds (Ya, you read that right, nerd.) and some in-game stuff: “… One of three Hero Cards each granting a unique in-game item (one per account) […] , your choice of an in-game magical wand to create fireworks or an in-game set of horseshoes with +speed to use once you get your first horse (one per account) and a Guild Kit which includes an in-game guild trophy that buffs stats for the entire guild plus ten 10-day buddy keys.” As I’m such a long-time subscriber to the Sony Collective, they’ll just charge my credit card for the C & G edition and ship it with a thank you note for the in-house launch party they’ve also charged to the card. Some day I’m going to cancel that EverQuest subscription and then they’ll be paying for their own pizza and beer. (P.S. Those ten 10-day buddy keys? Bold choice. Not sure I’d make that same choice if I was backing a lukewarm title, but perhaps VSOH has been significantly reworked since we last got a peek at their sepia adventure.) (Archive: Vanguard + SOE press release)
1 thought on “Vanguard — IT LIVES!”
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i have a decent machine and i have to play this game on the lowest settings… makes it look like a horse shat on my screen and my avatar is trying to wade through it…
Vanguard: No Thanks