In a move of unprecedented brilliance (Or just trying to squeeze every possible dollar out of people regardless of the havoc it can wreak), Blizzard has decided to reduce the wait after server transferring to one month. Want to steal a guild bank? Scam people out of their gold in Ironforge? How about getting into a guild and doing your best to ninja those phat purples before guildremoving? Worry not, your reputation will not follow you for long! You’re now free to move about the country (and do whatever shitty thing you want without fear of lasting consequences).
At least it’s not without its silver lining…expect to see many a new story here quite soon.
Archives: Server transfer cooldown reduced to one month.
One-month server transfer cooldown revised to three months.
$25 per transfer. I’m surprised they have even limited it to one month, since money means more than any kind of gaming integrity to Blizzard. This is really an unfortunate move. I could see allowing transfers when Burning Crusade is released, since the change to smaller raiding forces will likely displace some players. I guess I can just hope the jerks will be leaving my server and not coming to it.
Raster, our 3 readers are not scammers and/or griefers and/or thiefs. Our guildmates, however, are another story …
Hopefully, an entertaining story.
I can understand the concern from some players. It’s unfortunate thought that we’re willing to compromise convenience for real players in an effort to deter scammers and farmers. I personally shuffled toons on servers and accounts to play with friends. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out and I ended up with level 60s standed from each other, and have been counting down since. To compensate I’ve done some professions over to support toons and get things you need without spending an arm and a leg. It sucks, cuz we all know that there’s nothing fun about leveling professions or farming. Had I been able to switch my toons back again, I wouldn’t have needed to bother.
For real players this is a good thing, who need/want to swap toons across acounts or change servers. Personally, I’m going to do it and down-size the accounts to only 2. I’m not willing to buy more than 2 copies of BC, so this will give all of the family’s 60s an account with access to Outlands. The days where 4 of us wanted to play simultaneously are pretty much over.
You’ve got more than 3 readers 😉
And as for the transfer thing, it just makes it quicker, I doubt more people are going to do it than before.
Im sure every server has seen its share of server hoppers its not a good or bad thing. Its just something we have to deal with. It is kind of annoying that you can erase your past but then again thats why every guild is skeptical of transfers. :p
I recently had an transfer app approach me, I accepted his application, at the end of raid night one he asked if he was going to get into the raid. Quite friendly like. I responded that he was not because there were other people outside the zone and he was pvping in AV.
To which he replied by logging out and applying at a different guild.
The next day i noticed 3 flame posts on the forums from him directed at various random people on the server. This was a few weeks ago. Hes now the forum pariah and will hopefully / likely transfer again.
So its good in that regard, we can all expect nice short visits from the rageoholic forum trolls.
If I were the nefarious sort, the kind for whom griefing another person’s game is a mana from heaven orgasm, and there’s lots like that, here’s what I would do:
Hopefully I’d hoped and prayed this day would come and have a common character name. Legolas, or Deadguy, or Somethinghoof. A name that is used on countless servers. Then I’d get in good with the uber guild and screw them for as much as I could. Free enchants, gold loans, guild bank borrows, a ninja of epic proportions. Professions? One of them Enchanting, of course.
“Sure I can do the 22 enchant for you. Trade me the mats. Oh, you’re missing something. Not to worry, I’ve got you covered. I have some in the bank. Hey! Who’s looking out for you? Huh? Huh? … K. Hold on … (kee kee).”
Then I’d jump ship to a server where I know my name is already taken. Result: I must come up with a new name, and thereby I must become a new character. “No history here, no sir. Call me Deadguy and I’m here to raid.”
Now the name I pick will be common to other servers, just not the one I’ve transferred to.
Get into the next uber guild, get into raiding, there’s a month to kill. Then screw the guild, rinse and repeat. “Somethinghoof here, and I’m here to gear. … Why, no. I never thought of that. You think ‘Somethinghoof’ isn’t a good name for a Forsaken guy? How about ‘Legolas?'”
Why would someone do this? To screw with someone elses game. Why? Because that’s what griefers do. Because they’re like forum trolls that feed on getting a rise out of you. “QQ. ROFLCOPTERZ!!1!1one!”
Three months is kind of long.
But one month sounds Just Right! You can join that uber guild on your new server, become trusted by them, and then do your dirty deeds. Then you move. “Thanks, Blizzard. Here’s your 25 bucks. This was better than the movie and popcorn that money might otherwise have gone to.”
Would people pay $25 to grief you? You bet. They’d Fraps it and laugh their asses off.
Monthly Fee: $15.00.
Transfer Cost: $25.00.
Grief a guild and make them cry in the forums: Priceless.
They need a way to easily determine how long a character has been on your server. That way you can just not give anything valuable to anyone high-level who’s only been on your server for a short time.
Sorry to burst your bubble Legolas, but the devs had a sudden outbreak of sanity and upped the server transfer cooldown to Three months.
Still if you are black hearted enough and have access to somebody else’s account, you could always ninja transfer them. Had this happen to a main tank of ours once, starting the “Curse of the Thunderfury” meme in our guild.
Forgot to give props to nwithers for spotting the server transfer cooldown update. It’s now 3 months (guess that was a “let’s split the difference” type decision). Seems much more reasonable to me, altho how many times do these people need to transfer? I can see x-fering once, realizing you ended on a d-tard server like mine, and then you’d like to transfer back or try another.
More than that and I think you’re just trying to live a ninja lifestyle.