I’ve been burning through a lot of Warcraft content lately, which means I haven’t spent much time outside, other than the amount of time I spend walking from my car into my office building.
Foton Scrooge: You there! Boy! What day is it?
Unwashed British lad delivering papers: Why it’s December 14, gov’nr.
Foton Scrooge: Then I haven’t missed Christmas! (yet.)
Oh ya, and I had to get gas yesterday morning, so I was outside briefly for that, too. I also had to take a Warcraft boat to go visit the winky dink NPC trainer and the virtual sun was in my view, so I think that should count.
Anyhow … I’ve enjoyed my Warcraft time, for the most part. I’ve run into a few annoying bugs, of course, and from what I read, sending a bug report on same wouldn’t do jack or squat. It’s not as if I would send a bug report anyways; I’m not getting a paycheck to report this shit after all.
I don’t even bother sending /petitions anymore. Honestly, it’s not worth the aggravation of typing out long paragraphs to some clueless, minimum-wage hire about the circumstances and details. Years and years of petitioning, I have never gotten a satisfactory response, just a bunch of “Hail and well mets” and a handful of “Sorry for your troubles!”
Lest ye think me alone in my low expectations of MMOG customer service response, I offer a brief example. Couple buds and I were working this elite quest instance this weekend in Warcrap. For you WoW noobs, an elite instance means you have to outlevel the mobs by a great deal or you’ll just die at the entrance over and over.
Ok, now that I read that, I see how stupid that is. Really, we should just delete those elite bitches from the quest log and be done with it. But the promise of a nice piece of equipment, maybe some money lewt along the way … greed gets the best of me.
So, it takes us about an hour to get to the boss mob at last. Almost no experience for killing low level elite mobs, no real money lewt to speak of, certainly no equipment that any of us could use … we are plenty torked off at this waste of time. Our puller runs off to fetch Elite_Boss83 and discovers that his spells are stuck. (fucking great) He relogs and when he returns, the rest of us get a popup window warning us that we are about to be ported out of the instance in XX seconds.
Seriously, WTF.
We rejoin his group quickly — he’s standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF US — yet the timer continues to tick down, and sure enough … we are unceremoniously ported out, back to our bind points.
Hell hath no fury.
One of the guys asked if we should run back, hope there wasn’t respawn, and rejoin the leader, or should we just petition?
There were many colorful responses in TeamSpeak, but the best one was: I’d rather stick my dick in a blender than waste time petitioning.
Well, I’m not willing to go that far. Logging off would be preferable to exposing genitalia to whirling kitchen appliances, but I understand the sentiment. Seems to me, gaming companies should spend a little less time clamping down on ebay sales, writing White Papers, and crafting Fun Theories, and spend a little more time with day-to-day operations.
But that’s just me. I’m just a user, not a provider.