Warcrap’s login server has been down for … going on two hours now. Which makes me wonder, how come the realm status page indicates high player populations when, without a functional login server, the populations should start to dwindle after a few hours.
I would think it was just me, but thanks to a solitary Blizzard post two hours ago and a TeamSpeak server full of people asking, “hey, is WoW down?”, I know it’s not just me.
One of the guildmates got through to a character select screen … not HIS characters, but someone else’s. Oh, the possibilities for gaming pranks are limitless with that database error.
Of course, we all start spamming the login server, hoping to get some other dope’s characters. I got some guy’s characters from Argent Dawn, one of the RP servers. Ain’t that the luck? Trying again, hoping to get some level 60 from a PVP server. And not some winky dink priest either, gimme a rogue or a shaman.
Since WoW’s forum logins are apparently handled by the game login server, (why? why??), players can’t post about the crap that’s happening.
**UPDATE** Login servers back to normal. DAMN! I had such high hopes for prankery.