
The latest in the marketing campaigns by World of Warcraft for others, the upcoming movie, Beowulf:

We are happy to announce our latest contest, Legendary Tales, inspired by the upcoming Paramount Pictures movie Beowulf. In the style of a graphic novel, tell us your story of overcoming a seemingly insurmountable foe in World of Warcraft. Simply create and submit a screenshot-based photo journal of your in-game exploits, and you could win! Whether you held off the fel orcs of Hellfire Citadel or overcame the chicken scourge of Goldshire, your story should dazzle and amaze.

Five winners will be chosen to receive a one-year subscription to World of Warcraft!

(WoW page for submissions and other details.)

Which sounds lovely, but I doubt very much that this contest was “inspired” by Beowulf, but rather was *paid* by Beowulf. There is a difference.

And I think it would be nice if we just called it like it is instead of pretending the Blizz dudes were “inspired” to create a Beowulf-like contest because it seems like a really cool movie.

HBO Buys Second Life Film

HBO bought the rights to a film shot entirely inside Second Life, everyone’s favorite human zoo. Basically, this dude took off from his real life and began game blogging (I think) from Second Life and tada! now he’s got an HBO deal. Unreal.

Each of the 7 mini-episodes of “My Second Life” explore a different subculture within the virtual world, according to HBO …

Oh god.

(Via Washington Post)

Warcraft Declared

The New York Times reported that Blizzard Entertainment is expected to announce today plans for a big-budget feature film based on the Warcraft series. Legendary Pictures, a Warner Bros affiliate, will provide the movie magic; their past and present projects include Batman Begins, Superman Returns, and The Phantom Concludes. (Ok, I made up that last one but it seems like the same guy is titling everything out of that studio.) Presumably frame rate will not be an issue with a Warcraft movie.