I’m Insidez Ur Guild Website, Poachin Ur Memberz

Love in SW Inn

Say for example you forgot where the Stormwind reagent vendor is and so you go to the inn and run upstairs looking for the elusive vendor, don’t go charging into the bedrooms without knocking first. Nightelf roleplaying is everywhere.

Since I’ve been occupied with fixing up my guild’s web presence — y’know, front page, forums, extra doodads — let’s talk about guild websites.

My opinion is that a guild’s website has two audiences: guildmembers and the gaming public which includes potential applicants, rival guilds and nosey outsiders. Remembering our audiences, here’s five considerations for your guild’s web presence:

1. Where. There are hosted guild resources available nowadays (read: mostly free) — GuildPortal, for example, and the newly funded GuildCafe (you’re welcome, Tweety), and some games offer guild resources for their players like Sony’s Station Players. Alternatively, your guild can buy its own domain name through a registrar and purchase private hosting.

There are pros and cons to hosted and private solutions beyond the costs, but remember that whoever has admin rights or is paying the bills owns your guild’s public persona. If he or she is a flake, they can nuke your site in a matter of minutes and your guild’s history, messages, DKP, screenshots are all gone. Don’t think that can’t happen, it does ALL THE TIME.

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Girls on the Intarwebs

For those of you looking for love (in all the wrong places, I might add, but don’t listen to me), Hawty McBloggy has written ten ORIGINAL! pick-up lines specifically for Halo.

Another equally ineffective approach is outlined at Cracked.com in some experimental online dating profiles, ranging from The Actual Truth to Giving Up on Society. Somewhere in between those extremes is the fake profile of a Larper:

Although I’ve never actually had sex, I have played several video games that simulate the act, and feel that that experience, combined with my catlike reflexes, means I’ll have a pretty good handle on what’s going on.

Throw out a wide enough net and you’re bound to pull up some refuse.

Let’s Talk About SEX

I’m really trying to take the high road here when I read and comment about the Sex in Video Games Conference and the keynote speaker, Regina Lynn, Wired’s weekly Sex Drive columnist, who will draw “… from her own cybersex experiences and her research into how sex in virtual spaces has evolved.” Far as I’ve seen, from my limited experiences in the big MMOGs, the cyberskank game hasn’t evolved at all: she (he/it) places her hand on your pulsating orb, next thing you know, your virtual bank account is empty and all you’re left with is the orb, which may or may not be still pulsating. The low road would have been: cybersex has evolved to cyberskanks getting paid to speak at cybersex conferences. I didn’t take that road. Remember that.