The Harassed Becomes The Harasser

Remember that one hunter in my World of Warcraft guild, she’s the sister of one of our (former) druids, and they both left the guild AND THE SERVER after another guildmate was ALLEGEDLY harassing the hunter sister? (Here’s the links, lazy: Part I and Part II) Recall also that she returned to our server after some time and I couldn’t figure out why in the hell someone who was harassed off a game server would return to the same server.

Well, I think I know why.

About a month and a half ago, my guild was farming Karazhan early in the raid week. I was assigned to Raid #2 of 3 (three simultaneous Karazhan raids — now that’s good, clean fun). Also in my raid was a paladin who I never had many dealings with — good guy though, followed instructions, showed up for raids when he said he would, never complained.

We had just finished up the chess event and had a brief scheduled AFK break before charging ahead to visit the prince. The Ventrilo convo had turned to Myspace and the hilarious things you can see over there like GLITTER ANGELS. You have to imagine my Ventrilo Glitter Angels voice, a voice I have perfected over several weeks — a higher pitch with drawn-out sounds like: GLIIIIIIITTERRRRRRRRR AAANGELSSSSSSSSSSSS. It’s really obnoxious.

Then I added, almost as an afterthought, “I wonder whatever happened to *HunterSister*.”

Our paladin announced that, actually, he was dating *HunterSister*. (!!!)

This was me, inserting foot in mouth: Oh. I’m sorry.

Heh. I meant that I was sorry for mocking the Glitter Angels and thinking of mocking the Perfect MAN-i-festo and the whole harassment bullshit she imagined, but, how it sounded was that I was sorry he had to date her. Which, I suppose, was also true.

A few of the raidmembers sent me /tells with “hehe”, and lucky for me and for the raid, our paladin wasn’t offended and we moved on to other bosses and other conversations.

Over the next week, he’d treat us to photos of the two of them vacationing together … zzzzzzzzzzz … and we were all polite with “that’s cute” and “how nice” and some of the women guildmates would add “we’re so happy for you guys” — mostly I thought “that’s A LOT of gaussian blur in those photos” and “please stop”.

I got my wish because the one day, the constant photo slideshows stopped cold. Thought me, “there’s trouble in paradise.”

Fast forward to this week.

I’ve been ditching Karazhan raids because Lord of the Rings Online went live (and cuz I hate Karazhan), so I have to get my guild kill information second-hand. Y’know, like “what you guys kill?” and “anything good drop?”, and then “that sucks.”

This week, a guildmate reported that Raid 2 Paladin hasn’t been able to play much lately which is affecting the raid healing in an adverse way. He explained that Paladin’s been having “relationship problems.” (Wow. Didn’t see that coming from seven miles down the road.)

She went crazy, huh?

Answer: Oh ya. There were accusations of cheating and not loving her (and bla bla bla, whatever else she could imagine. I can’t remember all the allegations, it was such a lengthy list.)

Now, Raid 2 Paladin is thinking of picking up Lord of the Rings Online for his gaming fix and for some well-deserved peace and quiet. Naturally, he’d like an invite to the guild’s LOTRO kinship.

Prediction of how long it will take her to hunt him down in LOTRO: five minutes. It’s really one minute, but she’ll have to patch the game out of the box.

8 thoughts on “The Harassed Becomes The Harasser

  1. You certainly have quite the eclectic collection of fucking crazy nutjobs in your WoW guild – how will you manage to infiltrate a similar collection in LotRO? It’s what the fans want, nay demand!

  2. Woooooow. What is it with all the dating in your guild, anyway? Guess I’m glad most of the folks in mine are happily married already…

  3. Did they leave cuz you guys were harassing them? Were you actually NOT harassing them but they like to dream? If so, that’s them all right.

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