A Sucker Born Every Minute …

… and two to take him.

When I first investigated Shattrath City in World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade, I ran across the vendor NPC Griftah, seller of Amazing! Amulets! They seem too good to be true! And indeed they are.

He does have some good pitches.

Shattrath Grifter

I caught the joke (took me a few minutes, I’ll confess), and I wished I could read some of the petitions Blizzard will get about this guy. I’ll bet it’s hilarious and will provide hours of entertainment for the Customer Service staff.

Look here! A complaint already!

In the grand scheme of things, 25 gold seems a small price to pay to learn a valuable lesson. Play past it.

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Scam artist NPCs in Shattrath, pg 1

6 thoughts on “A Sucker Born Every Minute …

  1. No wow forums at work…what’s the complaint? That the amulets do nothing? I’d think after reading the description on the immortality one (which describes a CR), it’d be obvious…

    This is just the upgrade to BB’s ring seller.

  2. Hehe… small lesson indeed given how fast you make gold in Outlands. (I play for a few hours and I make at least fifty, so where’s the harm in losing 25 to being stupid?)

  3. Aha, flikr archive (awesome how you do that)….heh I’m really hoping he is joking. If not, I need to sell him this mace I got called The Stoppable Force. I’m sure he’d love it.

  4. Another question and answer about the NPC swindlah.

    Read all of the descriptions carefully and the name of the vendor. He’s a shady character. Sure, his amulets technically do what they say BUT they are all things that can happen without the amulets.

    My god, he’s like Satan!

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