Chromaggus Seeks Players (No, not the Blackwing Lair boss dog)

Just so we’re clear on this: World of Warcraft does NOT need new players. Don’t encourage your buddies to play WoW over the summer break. Full. No room. Occupado. However! If you’re already playing WoW and are looking to reroll on a new server, I found this forum post rather interesting: The Chromaggus realm is recruiting new residents to populate their low-pop PVP realm. (Y’know, reproduction not being an option in gaming. Yet.) Additionally, horde and alliance are offering 1 gold to each new character created. Immediately I think, how many Chromaggus assholes will create new characters to farm gold off the recruiters? Answer: As many as it takes to run the recruit fund dry. (Additional links: US Realm Stats per and Furl archive of forum thread)

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