I Need to Make a Sight-Seeing Alt

World of Warcraft patched in weather effects one week ago and I have yet to see any of it. I just realized this.

Here’s the problem I think: in the past week, I’ve been in Ironforge, Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Onyxia’s Lair, Zul Grub for enchants, and ummm, on a griffin flying to those areas.

Game weather was only patched into these ten zones:

* Elwynn Forest – don’t go there, fly through zone
* Tirisfal Glades – don’t go there
* Dun Morogh – again, don’t go, fly through
* Darkshore – pass through zone
* Alterac Mountains – sometimes I get dumped here after PvP so slim chance there
* Stranglethorn Vale – pass through on the way to ZG loot farm
* Feralas – don’t go
* Un’Goro Crater – don’t go
* Tanaris – don’t go
* Winterspring – don’t go
* Ahn’Qiraj – AHA!! We usually go here, not this week so far. My big chance!

I’m not saying they should patch weather into Blackwing Lair; I’m just saying I need to get out more. Geographical isolation appears to be another hallmark of a raiding guild: “Weather? What weather? They have weather in this game?!?!?”

Here’s some other markers of a raiding guild, in a small discussion on the Warcraft forums, “Definition of a hardcore raiding guild”. As for my own guild, we don’t know EVERYONE’s cell phone number and earned vacation days is whacked (why in the world would you need a vacation?), but we qualify on just about every other definition mentioned in that thread.

Occasionally we’ll have a short recruit drive. Usually it’s for priests and druids, you know how that goes if you’ve ever been in a raiding guild — always the healers burning out. Anyways, our recruit team will sometimes describe our guild as a “Friendly, family-type raiding guild”. The fuck? Ya, we’re a family like the mafia is a family.

They should just be blunt with people: we raid, ALOT, and you’ll never get to see the game weather again.

6 thoughts on “I Need to Make a Sight-Seeing Alt

  1. It’s not just raiding guilds that are geographically isolated. A level 60 has no interest in Elwynn, Tirisfal, Dun Morogh, Darkshore, Alterac, STV, Tanaris or Feralas, save when a travel path takes them through those places. High level gatherskillers may have an interest in Un’goro and Winterspring, but for other 60s, there’s still not much reason to visit those zones.

    Because one level in WoW represents such a large increase in power (well, it’s more sort of at the two-level mark, but let’s pretend otherwise) zones are tuned for a very small range of levels. If you’re outside of that range, that zone is not interesting to you. At level 60, all non-instance zones become uninteresting, because there’s not a great deal of content other than dungeon crawling.

    Even if every outdoor zone got weather, you’d STILL never see it, because let’s face it, we only leave the major cities to get into an instance. And maybe to farm.

  2. I have yet to see any weather in Tanaris or STV, above and beyond the usual ‘Partly cloudy with, 50% chance of getting ganked.’

  3. Apparently, Tirisfal Glades is Seattle. Been doing the SM overpower run for silk lately, and the place is always raining. I am so glad that I always take my UD characters to Durotar to level.

  4. I hear your pain 🙂

    I saw some weather in Feralas, on the way to plinking around in Dire Maul last night.

    Essentially … meh. I didn’t like weather effects in EQ, and the rain in Feralas wasn’t anything special.


  5. Some of my guild saw a sandstorm in Tanaris on the way to Silithus. I was envious. We tried to arrive in time to witness this phenom. Alas and alack.

    Also, we didn’t get any Essence of Air. Double ouch.

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