Improve Your Identity

I ran across a Warcraft mod that I hadn’t heard of before: flagRSP, an addon for additional naming options for your characters (surnames, titles) and an enhanced friends list. The naming options are visible to anyone else running the same mod. I don’t really understand why surnames and titles are so popular in online gaming, I just know they are, and while I don’t like to run a lot of mods (bloat and all that), I would like my own title: Lord of the Idiots. Briefly, I toyed with the idea of making an alt Oneeye, King of the Blind, but LotI could apply to any of my current characters. (home page for flagRSP, home page for successor mod WARS, mod found in this WoW forum thread authored by newly ordained minister, Federov. It’s a long-ish story.)

4 thoughts on “Improve Your Identity

  1. You haven’t hung around with the ghey roleplayas like I did (right before cancelling–for unrelated reasons). The real roleplayers used flagRSP to look each other up.

    I quickly grew to really dislike roleplaying in WoW: it was taking away from valuable levelling time! Fer’instance:

    The scene: Everyone in my new RP guild is sitting around a campfire in a circle, just south of Goldshire.
    Guildleader: So, tell us Neogi, why do you think that the Alliance is failing to deal with the real threat? What’s wrong with challenging the Horder?
    I think to myself: STOP sitting in a damned circle and lets go kill some stuff. Ack! I’ve lost half a level dealing with you people already. For crying out loud, let’s get some groups going, or at least let’s go to Deadmines and get some shinies! You could freakin’ solo the whole place, and I want another rare drop parrot and Cookie’s rolling pin.
    Neogi (me): The real threat still lies with the Blackrock Orcs and their demonic allies. They’ve only been beaten back, not utterly defeated. My own priestly leadership in Ironforge is rallying for war against the Horde while ignoring the growing threat of Warlocks in our own mountain home.
    A_Noob_01 (wandering by): whut r u doin? ne1 give gold plz?

    Ya know, I found fewer annoyances on my normal carebear PvE server than on an RP server. And more roleplaying, too. I still wish I’d joined the “Action Six News Team” instead of the arr-pee guild, though, ’cause when I play WoW, I’m totally into the grindage and shinies, which is why one of the reasons I’m not playing WoW anymore.

    Back to the point, yeah, I’ve heard of flagRSP.

  2. Pingback: Mischiefblog » Blog Archive » What’s wrong with roleplaying?

  3. I do a bit of RP server play, though my main characters are on a PVE normal ruleset. Having played (and DM’d) a lot of AD&D way back when, I enjoy playing on the RP servers sometimes. Quite a bit more recently since I started a character on a freshly minted server.

    I also like leveling. I prefer to do what I’ve come to think of as improv-RP – don’t worry about game mechanics talk, try to say some things in character, and don’t talk about real world stuff if possible. The Light knows General chat is an intellectual and RP cesspool…. but I’ll ocassionally add a bit of flavor such as refererring to ‘the mystical tome of Thottbot’ when answering someones questions. (Hmm… come to think of it, that’s kind of how my friends and I played AD&D – a lot of game mechanics talk, with periods of talking in character.)

    RP isn’t for everyone, I just wish more of the people it isn’t for would realize that and stop rolling alts on rp servers specifically to harrass the people who do want to be there…

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