Another Beta that I’ll Miss

Spent some time last week messing around in one of the few MMOG betas. No, I can’t tell which you one — it’s not Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, which I heard has entered BETA 2!! (omg, omg, omg)

The announcement is here (omg, omg, omg), but I’ll quote since you have to be logged into the VSOH forums to read (omg, omg, omg). Abigale Seashadow/Cindy Bowens:

Hello all!

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes has entered Beta 2!

It is an exciting time for us as we begin to gradually invite more people into Beta to help us continue to test and develop Vanguard and make it the game we are all waiting to play!

Thank you for your support as we enter this next phase of our development. We look forward to seeing many more of you in Beta soon ™!

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Drama WRU? Oh, Here.

Get yer vicarious Warcraft drama here: Ctrl Alt Delete guild unceremoniously disbanded. My read is that there was a drunken guild disband, followed by nuking of the guild forums, etc. Sadly, this happens all the time. Once a guild starts wobbling or tanking, take immediate steps to preserve the guild data: screenshots, database backups, use pen and paper if you have to. Vindictive bitches will nuke whatever they can just cuz they can. End of Lesson.