Drama WRU? Oh, Here.

Get yer vicarious Warcraft drama here: Ctrl Alt Delete guild unceremoniously disbanded. My read is that there was a drunken guild disband, followed by nuking of the guild forums, etc. Sadly, this happens all the time. Once a guild starts wobbling or tanking, take immediate steps to preserve the guild data: screenshots, database backups, use pen and paper if you have to. Vindictive bitches will nuke whatever they can just cuz they can. End of Lesson.

1 thought on “Drama WRU? Oh, Here.

  1. Heh, I love guild drama. It’s like soap operas for nerds.

    On a sidenote, apparently ctrlaltdel-online.com was redirecting to penny-arcade.com, now it’s gone completely.

    Tim Buckley’s drunken tantrum fit spills over to him tearing down his own website? Disgruntled Rapscallion seeking revenge through defacement? Drama, drama, drama. How delightful!

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