When it comes to Betas, use a scattershot approach — apply for everything, *maybe* you’ll get invited to one thing.
Another target to keep in your sights, one of the incoming Turbine elf dramas: Dungeons & Dragons Online pre-beta beta signup. Really, you have GOT to get into the beta if you want bragging rights for your entire stay in a game: I was in the beta, I’m as old skool as it gets, noob. Also: Game was much better in the closed beta without all these noobs.
Or, you can lie like most people and just say you were in beta plus you’re drinking buddies with the developers so of course you’d know how this damn encounter works. Jeezus.
In other elvish news, the rumors continue to grow and mutate about World of Warcraft’s first expansion pack (read: content you have to BUY) — the details will be officially announced at their BlizzCon thingy on October 28 and 29. Missed the rumors? Go read:
Gaming Steve
WoW Guru forum post by some guy
The Cesspit and updated Cesspit. (and how the fuck did Vivendi get Abalieno’s phone number?)
The big thing is, of course, the max level increase. Seeing as how “learning from others’ past mistakes” isn’t a strong point around these parts, this could be painful … for everyone. One word: Kunark.
But! The bright side: we all get to return to the level grind. Yay. Plus, there’ll be more elves. Yay.
If the horde really does get a new blood elf race, there goes all our Alliance chick priests and druids. Sure, there’ll be less chatter about shoulder and helm graphics, but we need all the priests and druids we can get.
I really don’t see how they can increase the level limit without borrowing another stupid idea from Everquest: AA points. After all, the warrior bug that gave a single extra talent point caused some emergency hotfixing and all sorts of havoc on the message boards (not really anything new there)…could you imagine what would happen with 10 talent points?
well i’m in alpha… so am i even more old school?
alpha impressions so far: ignore this game
if something new and shiny can barely drag me away from lvl’n up my 3rd 60, then it must not be that good right?
meh, you decide
Yes, this does make you more old skool, however, no one ever believes the alpha guys really are alpha guys.
Kinda like the cancer operation people. Of course there must be players that actually do need cancer operations — too bad for them, cuz the attention ho’s have already worked that for sympathy on every message board that ever was or ever will be.
That analogy kinda sucks but I wanted to bitch about the fake cancer operation people.
heh fair enough… i don’t really want that game attached to me anyways. too much instancing for my blood. not enough flash in the fighting to entertain me. i like shiny things. i’ll check in from time to time tho to see how things be.