Go Horde

Go Horde.  Please.

In hindsight, it would have served the Alliance greater good if we had told him, “Yes, go Horde. Please.”

Oh sure, some might say the less Undead priests running around melting faces the better, but I’m willing to bet level 60 will be a loooooong way off.

You just can’t buy the kind of entertainment that’s freely available in General Chat on the weekends.

I’ve Got Mail!

Running around Westfall, the not-quite-so-noob zone of World of Warcraft, killing some of this and a little of that, cursing my ineffective skills, watching the dumass paladins skid across the dirt after being schooled by the Defias Brotherhood, when all of a sudden I see that … I’ve Got Mail!!!

Hot damn, better stone back to the outpost and open that bad boy up … could be some noob piece of shit equipment from a guildmate: something (anything) to make my third assault on Westfall a bit more pleasant. How about some money? Money is always a welcome gift, in game or out. Health, mana, defense, agility potions, all welcome, too. Why, it could be anything!

Ya, I was dreaming.

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