Go Horde

Go Horde.  Please.

In hindsight, it would have served the Alliance greater good if we had told him, “Yes, go Horde. Please.”

Oh sure, some might say the less Undead priests running around melting faces the better, but I’m willing to bet level 60 will be a loooooong way off.

You just can’t buy the kind of entertainment that’s freely available in General Chat on the weekends.

5 thoughts on “Go Horde

  1. No slack for a newbie.

    Very bad karma …

    Some day you will get a flat tire. You will be changing that tire. A Mack truck will drive by and start using you as a new hood ornament.

    As you are impaled on the hood of the Mack truck you will be wondering what in the world you did to deserve this.

    Now you know.

  2. I have screenshots that make this look intelligent. A re-enactment of one follows:

    level53mage: Can someone tell me what vendors have high level alchemy recipes?
    helpfulsoul: Uh…what’s your alchemy at now?
    level53mage: 300

    Don’t even ask about the SS that are green. Ugh.

  3. Making fun of the noobs would be the least of my sins, but your point is well taken.

    In fact, this might explain my abyssmal luck with looting and randoming.

  4. People i play twilights hammer and i must say i played horde before and wish id stuck with them if i have too see another gnome again ill cry

    Horde For The Win

  5. I think that the story about the car making me a hood ornament was the mist funniest thing I heard today!!

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