Professional Noobs

Have you ever clicked around and you landed on someone’s site and they write about gaming, and you think WTF, because it’s as if they have never played any game that anyone has ever heard of but they have Credentials, so you figure, “ok … I guess” ?

Really, who could blame you for having thoughts of iron pipes crushing their credentialed skulls? Not me.

If you spend too much time reading “legit” gaming journalism, you might get the idea that it’s not so much a matter of keeping noobs out of your guild as keeping the journalists out. Noobs on a deadline … not a good combo.

Heaven help you if you get one in your guild when they’re working on an “Ethics” piece and you have to level with them. “Should we really be killing mangy wolves? Maybe someone else wants them.”

Or, if there’s a chest spawn at a camp that you’ve been working for an hour or so. Might take another hour or two to confirm that absolutely no one else on the server wanted that Westfall chest.

These are the thoughts that taunt me during rush hour traffic.

1 thought on “Professional Noobs

  1. Hey Guess what im a Pro Noob… i just like to call my self that… cause i pwn super ellites , ellites, and noobs… i pwn all XD
    im a super ellite noobs im an ellite noob im a pro noob
    i am a noob Woooo yeah go noobs…

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